The advantages of cryotherapy that effectively treat many temporary and chronic health issues are the very same ones that restore vitality and replenish youthful looking skin.
We use simple electricity to cool the air rather than with nitrogen because it’s the safest method of delivery for your lungs to breath without risk of exposure to harmful gas. Unlike nitrogen cooled chambers that only allow therapy from the shoulders down, your entire body - including head - are completely safe to receive cryotherapy, which uses freshly oxygenated cool air to fill the chamber instead.
Chambers that include the head have a tremendous edge over the shoulder-down style. Allowing your head to receive cryotherapy means that your neck, face, and hair also experience a major boost in collagen production. Plus, a more relaxed neck reduces tension, eases headaches, and promotes stress relief throughout your entire body. All of those miraculous benefits flow head to toe without any disconnect at your shoulders.
CryoWellness.Fit uses an electric, nitrogen-free, whole-body cryochamber, which is a space the size of a changing room. Wearing minimal clothing, you will stand inside the chamber for up to 6 minutes while cryogenically-cooled air circulates around you.
A technician will assist you into the chamber, facilitate the treatment, and monitor you for the duration. After the session, you may feel a sensation of pins and needles, which will quickly pass. There is no recovery time needed, so you can go about your day as planned, or stay and enjoy another therapy in your membership.

How Does Cryotherapy Work?
The use of cold air alleviates inflammations and pain since the body undergoes a physiological reaction to dramatic cooling at temperatures below –124°F. Whole-body cryotherapy reduces the production of the stress hormone cortisol, allowing muscles to relax while simultaneously boosting the metabolism, burning up to 800 calories per session. The body also reacts to cold by producing more collagen, which improves elasticity in skin.

What Are the Benefits of Cryotherapy?
• Increases muscle recovery rate
• Reduces inflammation, pain and soreness
• Increases energy, reduces fatigue
• Promotes collagen production
• Burns up to 800 calories per session
• Revitalizes skin
• Reduces stressors, enhances mood
• Boosts blood circulation
• Improves sleep quality
We are positive the benefits you will receive from this therapy will have a transformative effect in your health and quality of life. We invite first time clients to experience one free session.
Visiting CryoWellness.Fit for regular sessions will help you sustain these improvements for a longer period of time and allow you to experience the fullest array of benefits this therapy has to offer. Explore our Wellness Journeys to see how combining therapies yields the best health outcomes.
*Always consult your healthcare provider before starting any treatments at the CryoWellness.Fit if you are managing a health issue.